First Aid Courses

We offer first aid courses at your premises, that meet the requirements of The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, and published guidance by the HSE.  Many of the courses we deliver include formal qualifications, regulated by Ofqual and are linked to the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).  This gives you the confidence that your first aid team's training will be compliant with the regulations.

Our instructors are registered with the FAIB (First Aid Industry Board) and are required to requalify every three years To ensure the required standards are maintained, their courses are moderated annually by an independent assessor.

All our first aid courses include the safe use of AED's (Automatic External Defibrillators) as standard.

The maximum class size is 12, to maintain the required instructor to student ratio.

Emergency First Aid at Work

Suitable for low risk workplaces such as shops, offices, libraries etc.
Valid for 3 years.
Course duration 1 day 
Cost £485.00

Emergency First Aid At Work.pdf

First Aid at Work (FAW)

Suitable for higher risk workplaces and covers more detail including major health conditions and major injuries.
Valid for 3 years.
Course duration 3 days 
Cost £1,280.00

First Aid At Work.pdf

Other Courses

First Aid at Work Requalification 
Renews FAW for  3 years
Course duration 2 days
Cost from £855.00 

Basic Life support 
Course duration 1/2 day
Cost from £260.00 

Management of Anaphylaxis
Please contact us for details

Basic Life Support & AED.pdf

These prices exclude a fee of £12.50 (£16.50 for First Aid at Work) per person for certification, administration and consumables.